
Allisha Watts’ loved ones deliver letters to DA to push case forward


MONTGOMERY COUNTY, N.C. — The family of Allisha Watts delivered letters Thursday to the Montgomery County district attorney. It’s the county where her body was found more than six months ago.

>> Read more about the case on the 9 Focus Stories page.

Less than a month from now, investigators are expected to provide some key pieces of evidence in the case. In the meantime, Allisha Watts’ family, friends, and supporters are not giving up their push for justice for her.

On Thursday, they gathered once again gathered at the Montgomery County courthouse. They’re asking the DA to keep Watts’ case at the forefront and are demanding that state agencies, like the state’s chief medical examiner, complete her autopsy report and official cause of death.

Watts went missing last July and her body was found in August. Her boyfriend at the time, James Dunmore, has been charged with her murder, but since key pieces of evidence are missing, his attorney has said they may ask for his $1 million bond to be lowered.

“There are hundreds of people who are behind us, supporting us, and we do owe some kind of confidence to them and to the family, that this case will be expedited,” said Allisha Watts’ mentor Dot Brower. “Some will say that is unreasonable, but I am willing to believe there are exceptions.”

Brower said they are planning a vigil for March 5 in Southern Pines.

Dunmore is expected to be back in court on or around March 14.


(WATCH PREVIOUS: Allisha Watts’ mother speaks out about her daughter’s death)