
Commissioners greenlight controversial Birkdale Village expansion project


HUNTERSVILLE, N.C. — On Tuesday, members of the Huntersville Town Commission voted on the controversial Birkdale Village expansion project.

During the meeting, commissioners decided 5 to 1 to approve the development.

The project, which was scaled back from its original version, will bring a hotel, retail, office space, apartments, and a parking deck to the area.

For months, locals have expressed their concerns about the possible traffic increase the development could bring.

Channel 9 observed rush hour along Sam Furr Road, which is the primary road people will travel to get to Birkdale Village.

One resident, who owns a parcel at the eastern entrance of the area, said the expansion would be met with more cars and less street parking, ruining his tenant’s business.

“It’s just disastrous. Not only lose the parking for my tenants and their employees. But I lose accessibility, and I lose visibility. It’ll destroy my tenant’s business,” resident David Krug expressed.

However, residents who support the project say when towns stop developing, they start dying.

“For everybody who is watching, this is a test case to see if Huntersville is ready for change. Huntersville is not turning into Chicago or anything like that anytime soon,” said resident Eric Willoughby.

Developers did agree, however, to add additional levels to one of the parking decks.

VIDEO: Huntersville planning board votes against Birkdale Village expansion

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