
Family Focus: How parents can help tackle ‘Back to School’ anxiety

CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Hundreds of children in the area are preparing to head back to school. While parents may be ready, not all students are.

Some kids are probably anxious about going back to school.

Dr. Vivien Haupt from Cotswold Pediatrics said maintaining a routine and keeping the lines of communication open can help kids get ready to start the school year right.

"One of the best things they can do is talk to them about their fears, rather than avoiding it, so they can discuss it. And, try and stay positive, even though you may be discussing fears, ask them what they're excited about because you don't want them to focus on the negative aspect," Haupt said.

Anxiety and excitement about going back to school can also impact sleep.

Experts say school age children should get between nine and 11 hours of sleep every night.

Dr. Julia Richards recommends a consistent bedtime routine and said parents should be careful because all those screens are keeping kids up.

"Screen time and tablets, phones, can tell your brain it's time to wake up. So, limit that an hour to two hours before bedtime and keeping bedtime activities more low key," Richards said.

Doctors stress the importance of a good breakfast to get the day started on the right food for students and parents.

Doctors also told Channel 9 that without a doubt the most important thing you can do to keep your kids from getting sick is to wash your hands.

(WATCH BELOW: Doctor discusses how prolonged pandemic affects anxiety, depression, mood disorders)

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