
Fort Mill School District considers ways to help with influx of students


FORT MILL, S.C. — Fort Mill schools are trying to plan ahead to keep up with all of the growth in the area and prevent classrooms from overcrowding.

Student enrollment in Fort Mill School District is on a steady rise and will continue this trend for the coming years. student enrollment has grown by about 600 students a year for the past few years, for a total of 18,400 students this school year.

“The district has gone from being one of the smaller districts in the county to now the largest district in the county,” said Joe Burke, who’s with Fort Mill schools.

The district says that’s why it’s important they act now -- to ensure there’s room for every student.

>> In the video at the top of the page, Channel 9′s Almiya White shares the ideas the district is considering.

(WATCH BELOW: Busted pipe ruins Fort Mill High School gym, causing hiccup for fall sports)