
Local high schooler opens up about how social media contributed to his eating disorder


CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Social media is just one factor that can really play into our mental health. And for teenagers, it can be consuming.

A Myers Park High School senior opened up to Channel 9 about his struggle with an eating disorder.

“I was 10 years old, in fourth or fifth grade, when I first got on Instagram,” Jack Michie said.

Michie’s social media accounts ballooned from there.

He said by the time he started high school, he was on Twitter, Facebook and Snapchat, too.

“I wanted to be seen as happy, as popular,” Michie said. “I was tracking how many likes I was getting, who unfollowed me. When I was caring about all of these superficial things, I considered that an addiction."

Michie said that addiction eventually led to an eating disorder.

“I had this idea in my head of what this perfect body looked like, and I wanted to achieve that. I trace it back to social media,” he said.

Is your child spending too much time on social media? Here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Is social media or your child's phone the only thing that puts them in a good mood?
  • Do they get upset if you take it away?
  • Are they hiding it or using secret passwords?
  • Do they prefer being online more than spending time face-to-face with family or friends?
  • Can your child name three things they enjoy more than social media?


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