LENOIR, N.C. — Caldwell County sheriff deputies said they charged Keith Church with first- and third-degree sexual exploitation of a minor, indecent liberties of a child, and first-degree sexual assault of a child under 13.
The arrest warrants stated that he took inappropriate pictures of children between the ages of 5 and 12 years old.
The Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force sent deputies a tip.
Deputies seized computers and DVDs from his home near Hudson, which led to charges in the case.
The sheriff’s office said they investigated Church in 2013, but the district attorney’s office declined to prosecute.
After the most recent allegations, investigators said they are charging him in that case with first-degree sex offense.
Sheriff Kevin Bean said the case is a priority.
We want maximum penalties for these things,” Bean said. “We’ve had cases in the past that were declined prosecution. We can’t do anything about the judicial system, but we do our job here.”
A woman who lives nearby said Church would help her with yard work and took an interest in children in the area.
“He has us all fooled,” said the woman who didn’t want to be identified. “He was a nice guy who helped us do a lot of things but got too close.”
Channel 9 also spoke with the district attorney about why they’re now prosecuting the 2013 case. He said there’s a new prosecutor and investigator with new evidence that led to that decision.
Church is locked up under a $300,000 bond.
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